Importing your Member / Listener Club Database

Importing your Member / Listener Club Database

As part of setting up your website, SoCast will arrange to import your existing Member / Listener Club Database.  Please coordinate this process with your designated SoCast contact.  As they contain personal information, we ask that all files are sent to SoCast using secure methods.  This can include:

1) Placing the database in a password-protected ZIP archive (send the password in a separate email)
2) Sending the file via a secure 3rd party transfer service
3) Providing the file via a secure FTP site (be sure to send login username and password in separate emails).

If you have any questions on the process please contact your SoCast onboarding lead or .

Step-by-step guide

  1. Contact your SoCast onboarding lead at least five business days before your scheduled site launch to confirm that you require a database import.  As part of your request, you need to confirm that all Listener Club records are eligible to receive email communications.  If this is not the case, then SoCast will need to work with you to make alternate arrangements.
  2. Ensure you provide your file 48-72 hours before your site launch
  3. Export your Listener Club Database from your current system
  4. The export should be provided to SoCast in a CSV file using the format below.  If a column does not exist in your database (e.g. you don't collect mobile phone) then create a heading and leave the column empty.  Email is the only required field

    Column Name






    Properly formatted email address



    Username for the member. If not provided, first name will be used instead. If first name not available, first part of email address will be used (i.e. would be "john").




    Plain text password. Do not provide encrypted passwords because SoCast cannot decrypt passwords at this time. If no password is provided, a new password will be generated and provided to you per Step 6 below




    First name of the member




    Last name of the member








    male or female




    USA or Canada




    State or province of residence for the member




    City of residence for the member

    San Francisco



    ZIP or postal code for the member




    Mailing address for the member

    123 Street Ave



    Home phone number for the member

    (123) 456-7890



    Mobile phone number for the member

    (123) 456-7890

  5. If your Listener Club file has passwords that are not encrypted, then user logins will be imported as-is and their existing logins will work on the site and no additional action is needed
  6. If your Listener Club file has passwords that are encrypted, or you do not currently have passwords associated with your profiles then:
    1. SoCast will create new passwords for all of your Listener Club Members and send the list back to you using secure means
      1. It's recommended you send Listener Club Members an email campaign advising them of their new passwords
      2. This campaign should not be sent until at least one business day after your site has launched
      3. Clients should also verify their DNS settings have been correctly applied and that the "Forgot Password" email is being deployed correctly before sending the campaign
    2. It's recommended you also set a custom message in the "Login" window to let Listener Club Members know their password has changed using these steps:
      1. Go to: (Go to Promotions > Members > Member Sign Up Settings)
      2. Scroll down to "Sign-up Call to Action"
      3. Fill in the "Call To Action Title" and "Call To Action Message" fields. SoCast recommends providing messaging such as "If you were registered on our old site, click on the "Forgot Password" link above to recover your profile."
      4. You can watch a how-to video here:
  7. (Optional) Repeat steps 3-6 within 24 hours after launch to import users that signed up within 24 hours of launch. Client should only provide new members since the last import otherwise the SoCast import will reject the file.

TIP: Please do not send listener club lists via email unless they are in an encrypted ZIP file

TIP: All Listener Club Members should have valid marketing opt-ins to receive email communications. Please confirm this with SoCast as part of your submission request.

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